Monday, August 25, 2008


Here are some praise reports from our prayer request. One of the guys, Abraham, from the group home we take breakfast to on Wednesday morning was able to come to our Friday Bible study at Winbourne and thoroughly enjoyed it.

One of the ladies we have been praying for on Wednesday morning, Denise, did not grow weary and give up, and God created a way for her to get an apartment. Big time favor....

It is amazing the conversations that take place through a car window at a red light. An opportunity was created for Verna, of One Touch Ministry, and her church, 2nd Baptist, to go and minister to a nursing home. Actually, the women's ministry ended up adopting the nursing home. This was a direct result of handing someone a cup of breakfast. WOW.....

God is moving on the corner of Winbourne and Airline Hwy. every Wednesday morning. He says, go with what you have and I'll do the rest....

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