Saturday, November 24, 2007

Grateful Hearts ready to SErve

Thanksgiving Eve was an incredible day that started early at the "cooking shed" preparing some 1250 meals complete with all the trimmings. These meals were being sent to Donaldsonville, St. Francisville and our Winbourne Church. What a fun-filled day that even included a little cornbread fight.

Then it was on to deliver a thanksgiving meal to a needy family. Just look at the expression on their faces. This makes it all worthwhile. We must always remember we are blessed to be a blessing.

While we were cooking that day, fellow servants were busy setting up the hall at Winbourne getting ready to receive some hungry folks. The thanksgiving spirit was running wild in that place and yes, the servant volunteers from HPC and other churches, turned out in masses. What an evening of fun, food and fellowship.

JEREMIAH 22:16 SAYS "He gave justice and help to the poor and needy, and everything went well for him. Isn't that what it means to know me?" says the Lord.

Monday, November 19, 2007

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

An outreach to the homeless.......

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Homeless Alliance Organization held a day of fun, food, and fellowship at Capitol Middle School for homeless children. Here is a couple group pictures.

What a day!

It doesn't get any better than this. My grandkids, Dillon and Kailey and myself started our day on Saturday serving at the Baton Rouge Dream Center which means we hit the streets passing out flyers, drinks and cookies. One lady said to me "boy, you start them out early evangelizing". This is what it is all about, helping others, spreading God's word.

After church that evening, we headed to Hammond for a night of bowling with the family and to celebrate our son's 30th birthday. Yes, we are getting old....Awesome fellowship, good birthday cake, and pretty good scores too.
P.S. Can you guess which son is 30?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Well, we are finally up and running in the 20th century. Amazing! It is about time. So much is happening in our lives today and will be so exciting to share with our faithful friends, family and supporters. It will be challenging to find the time to blog, but I am believing God will provide the way, as He does for everything else in our life.

Just a few hints into what is currently going on. As most of you are aware, it is "hunting season", and yes, that means I am a hunting widow. Life does center around this season in our household and has for almost "25" years. Our son and grandson have already been successful, so the "heat" is really on for Randy.

I am currently enrolled in our church's ministry program "Elevate" where I am taking bible college classes as well as being a servant of the Lord. It is such a privilege to serve in this capacity. However, serving the Lord is not always easy but is always fruitful. Our church has an outreach center located in the inner city called the "Baton Rouge Dream Center". One of the programs we host there is a reading readiness program for children ages two to five. This allows us the opportunity to teach them some basics prior to Head Start or Kindergarten. I also volunteer at a women and children's shelter and assist there in many, many, many ways. There is always something to do in one fashion or another like babysitting, cooking, transporting, tutoring, mentoring, conducting bible study and just loving on those children. I also help at our Dream Center in Donaldsonville where I work mainly with the small children. And, of course, anything else God may order in my steps. The weeks are pretty full as you can see.

Randy recently returned from a mission trip to Honduras where he along with some other team members spent a week cooking at various locations, women and men's prison, Zion Church, children in Zambrano and another village and a small church in the "rough" part of Tegucigalpo. All and all, I think they cooked almost 5000 meals. It was a life changing trip for him where he came back a totally different person. Watch the video that a friend of ours put together. It makes you feel as though you are there. The video connection is at the top of the page. ( i am still learning how to do all this) THAT IS FRUIT "GOAT EYES" ON RANDY'S EYES......pretty freaky...

It is amazing how God puts certain people together to get a job done. Well, this is what happen a couple months ago to me. While serving at Angola one Saturday, God placed this precious lady in my path and we connected. With her connections and efforts, she introduced me to a gentlemen that had been blessed with some Nike tennis shoes. I was so grateful to have the opportunity to help him distribute these awesome shoes to the needy children in and around Baton Rouge and Donaldsonville. What a huge blessing! The amazing thing was just a few weeks prior to this I was gathering shool supplies, uniforms and backpacks for needy children and praying for tennis shoes, as this would complete the "back to school package". Tell me, God does not answer prayers. He is faithful. However, you also better watch what you put out there. Check out my living room as I labled several hundred pair of shoes to distribute.