Our first ever Christmas morning outreach with a group of "25" crazy individuals out "servin it up" on the streets. Nobody expected us to be there! This act of love and kindness spoke volumes to the people we touched this special day. They knew that not only does someone care about them; they are also loved very much by Jesus. You matter to us and Jesus. I could not get my video to work properly(mainly due to operator error)but my friend, Carole Turner could. Check out her web sight at http://www.thewardrobeandthewhitetree.com. The girl got it going on!!!
This little 9 yr. old boy, Joshua, lived nearby and came up to see what was going on. He said his father was still sleeping. Needless to say, he stole my heart and I was ready to take him home. We were able to hook him up with some presents and new tennis shoes for him and his twin brothers along with food and candy.
P.S. This past Sunday, guess who comes strolling into church? Yes, Joshua with his twin brothers, Jeremiah and Jermaine. God is good.........
Well we finished out the holidays with great family gatherings. This was truly a "Christmas Wonderland" for us. WE thank everyone that helped make this season so special.
SEE YOU IN 2009..............